Dr Carolina Capriolo
Biologist Nutritionist
Graduate of the University of Padua
She received her Master's degree in Evolutionary Biology studying the effect of heavy metals on gene expression of enzymatic components of the antioxidant system in Drosophila melanogaster.
The entire project was carried out with the purpose of harnessing Drosophila as a model organism for the neurodegenerative disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
Upon graduating in Nutritional Medicine at the Metabolomic Academy, she immediately began experimenting with a clinical approach, along with physicians who practice nutritional medicine and applied clinical Metabolomics.
She is currently engaged in the development of customized diet plans by collaborating with Dr. Tsoukalas and applying methods and techniques. She strives to write scientific-dissemination articles in her field and has been a member of the Scientific Committee of EINUMM since June 2015.